Sunday, October 16, 2011

Lessons Learned

Taking time to reflect upon lessons learned from nature and my dogs this year as we spend and have spent a lot of time outdoors.

As I know my dogs are getting older, I really wanted to take this year to spend more time with them while they are able to still go hiking and camping.  I've really learned a lot from not only them this year so far, but also from the places I've taken them.

They've taught me to really relax and take time to enjoy the sights and smells of everything around you.  Though I may not have rolled in disgusting things like they do when they get a good scent, but really learned not only to see fall, but smell fall and all the other seasons.  It makes you appreciate what nature does every day and every year.

Illinois Canyon, Starved Rock State Park

All year I've been taking my time hiking with them, letting them run off lead a little more and really just letting them go and sniff what they want.  I've learned that as I just let the dogs be dogs and not rush everything, I've learned to be calmer myself, laugh a little more and just relax.  

Jasmine and Wailea relaxing after a day of hiking

I've learned to appreciate the little things in life, like watching a butterfly spending time on a flower trying to get the sweet nectar, or watching a bug crawl up my tent poles.  Spending time with them has allowed me to reflect upon what's important in life.  And no, it's not making a million dollars (although winning a million dollars in the lottery would be good), it's more about finding and taking all the time you can to relax and do what you enjoy.  Because we all know, once the weekend or vacation is over - it's back to the hustle of work and office life which is not relaxing for anyone.

Thankfully the year is not over and there is more exploring to do, more weekends to relax and more vacation time yet to be used.  And if I'm lucky - next year the dogs will be in good health and we can continue on doing this for yet another year.

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